Marine Diesel Engine: everything you need to know before you sail!

Before starting your ship, we should talk about its operation and the importance of a marine diesel engine so when you sail you are safe, confident and at the same time take care of your ship.

Marine diesel engines represent a good investment for your boat, especially if you intend to sail frequently and save on maintenance and care costs. In this article, we will share with you the most relevant data that in our experience has allowed us to know about this type of ship engine.

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The world of marine engines: endless possibilities

everything you need to know about marine diesel engine

The marine diesel engine serves as the main engine of a boat. However, it is not the only one that exists (although it is the best and we will explain you why). Currently, there are two types of marine engines, those used in the commercial or military navy and small boat engines.

The engines used in the commercial navy are usually specially designed for this purpose, so they are large. These engines are also very similar to those used in power plants or as emergency generators for health centers, banks, or other establishments. On the other hand, smaller boats use small diesel engines with characteristics similar to those used in cars.

How does a marine diesel engine work?

The diesel engine transforms the heat produced in the combustion process into energy to turn a shaft. The fuel is mixed with the air in the engine cylinders. Then, inside each cylinder there is a piston attached to a connecting rod that, through the result of the expansion process, generates a thrust that makes each piston move at a specific time according to the number of cylinders the engine has. The force of the thrust that results after the whole process, is united through the connecting rods with the crankshaft of the engine until it converts the vertical movement into a rotation, like that of the propellers.

Engine types

marine engine

The type of engine will depend on the size of the ship. Each of them has different characteristics:

  • For medium-sized ships and cargo vessels, the speed range of the engines is about 60 or 250 revolutions per minute (low speed). They work in two strokes and operate directly on the propeller.
  • The medium-speed engines are four-stroke diesel engines with a speed range of about 1200 revolutions. These engines are mainly used in cargo ships, passenger ships, and warships.
  • Finally, high-speed motors can reach up to 2000 revolutions per minute. However, these engines are not usually used on boats that are too large. They are used in sport and recreational boating.

Now that you know the general aspects of marine engines, you’re ready to sail! If you have doubts or want to evaluate the general condition of your boat, you can contact us!

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